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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

DOTNET Project Idea for final year Engineering/ MCA students

Here is a list of project names that will help all final year Engineering/MCA students and even those who want to create learning or academic projects.

ASP.Net Projects:

1. Library Management System
2. Payroll System of an organisation
3. Timesheet Management System of an organisation
4. Leave management system of an Organisation
5. eCommerce application
6. Forum application
7. Blog site development
8. Personal Finance management
9. Reminder Application
10.Air line enqiuery with reservation

Please post your queries here in case you need any help for doing any of the projects.

Many more to come.....

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

4. Hidden Picture Game Project

Hidden Picture Game is a small learning project in C# Dotnet. It is a windows application developed in C# dotnet. The code is very well organised and properly commented. It is a memory game for children. So, Learn, play and Enjoy.

Functional Features:
1. This Game is developed so that it can be played as a professional game
2. Rich user interface with proper colors
3. The application calculates Number of clicks and Score

Technical Features:
1. This application is developed using Visual Studio dotnet 3.5
2. Contains logic for calculating Number of clicks and Score
3. Contains embedded resources(images) by which images are embedded inside the assembly. So, no need to depend upon any other external folder containing image files.
4. Uses array of images
5. Extensive work on button properties
6. Feature to open a new form from parent form
7. Browse through all the controls in the windows form
8. Uses event handling

You can find more details about the project at the following link. Also, you can download the C# Dotnet source code from the same link. Have a look at it and post your comments.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Dotnet Framework Interview Questions

This section contains Dotnet Framework Interview Questions that I faced in my interviews at the time of job change. Please post your comments here. Also, post your questions to get an answer.

1. What is an assembly in .Net? What is manifest?

2. What is GAC?

3. If you have two versions of the same assembly in GAC and you want to use the older version, how to achieve this?

4. What is side-by-side execution?

5. What is Reflection?

6. What is a satellite assembly?
Hint: Localization

Many more to come ....

C# Dotnet Interview questions

This section contains C# Dotnet Interview Questions that I faced in my interviews at the time of job change. Please post your comments here. Also, post your questions to get an answer.

1. What are the features of an object oriented programming language?
Ans: I. Abstraction
II. Encapsulation
III. Polymorphism
IV. Inheritance

2. What is the difference between overloading and overriding in C#?

3. What is the difference between Abstract class and Interface?

4. What is the difference between ref and out?

5. What is Generics in C#? List the advantages.

6. What is advantages of using "using" block?
Ans: Using block is a short cut to try{} finally{} block.
Generally used to define connections. It will dispose the connection object automatically once we come out of using block.

7. What is use of a static constructor?

8. Describe the event delegate model in C#.

9. What are partial classes?

10. what is a sealed class?

11. What is the difference between Array and ArrayList? List the advantages.

Many more to come ....

3. TextAndSpeech Project

Text And Speech application is a small learning project in C# Dotnet. It will help to manipulate strings such as Case Conversion, i.e. converting a string from Lower Case to Upper Case and vice versa. Also, you can convert a string to either Title Case or Sentence Case. This application also will Read an input string for you.

Text And Speech Application has five basic functionalities:

1. Convert a string to Lower Case
2. Convert a string to Upper Case
3. Convert a string to Title Case
4. Convert a string to Sentence Case
5. Read a string

Technical features of this project:

1. It is developed using C# Dotnet
2. Extensive string manipulation demonstrated
3. A bit of exception handling shown
4. Input validation checking shown
5. Use of an external dll file shown
6. Speech related methods used to produce sound
7. Proper inline comments and coding standards followed

You can find more details about the project at the following link. Also, you can download the C# Dotnet source code from the same link. Have a look at it and post your comments.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Inspirational Quotes

Here you will find a bunch of inspirational quotations.

The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
-- Mark Twain

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then you are a leader.
-- John Quincy Adams

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.

The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause.
-- Mark Twain

Read more motivational quotations ....

SQL Server Interview questions

This section will contain SQL Server Interview Questions and Answers. Please post your comments here. Also, post your questions to get an answer.

1. How to optimize stored procedures in SQL Server?
Ans: I. Use where clause
II. Select only required fields
III. Do join on indexed key fields

2. What is the difference between Stored procedure and User defined functions?

3. Why should we go for Stored Procedures? Why not direct queries?
Ans: SP are precompiled and contain an execution plan with it. Hence, they are faster.

4. How many NULL values we can have in a Unique key field in SQL Server?
Ans: Only one. In case of Oracle, we can have multiple NULL values in a Unique key field.

5. What is correlated subquery?
6. What is an index. What are the types?
Indexes in databases are very much similar to Indexes in Books. Indexes help in searching data faster.

Types: Clustered Index
Non-Clustered Index

7. What is the difference between a clustered index and a non-clustered index?
Clustered Index:
1 Only one clustered index allowed per table
2 Physically rearranges the data
3 For use on columns that are frequently searched for range of data

Non-clustered Index:
1 Upto 249 non-clustered index allowed per table
2 Doesn’t rearrange the data. Keeps a pointer to the data.
3 For use on columns that are searched for single value.

8. What is a join? What are the types of joins?

Joins are used to retrieve data from multiple tables.

Following are the types of joins:
Inner join
Left outer join
Right outer join
Full outer join
Cross join

9. What is a transaction?
A SQL transaction is a sequence of operations performed as a single unit of work. If all the tasks are completed successfully, then the transaction is committed (saved). If a single task fails, the transaction is rolled back (discarded).

10. What is ACID property of transaction?
A SQL transaction must exhibit ACID property, i.e Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability.

Atomicity: A transaction is always treated as a single unit of work, i.e. either all the tasks are performed or none of them, no intermediate stage.
Consistency: When a transaction is completed, it must leave all data in a consistent state.
Isolation: Modifications made by a transaction must be isolated from the modifications made by other transactions.
Durability: After a transaction is completed, it’s effects are permanently in place in the system.

11. What is SET NOCOUNT ON?
When we perform a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE query, it returns a COUNT (number of rows affected) when SET NOCOUNT OFF. If SET NOCOUNT ON, it doesn’t return the COUNT.

12. How to delete exactly duplicate records from a table?
There are many ways. Simplest answer is:
i. Let the table tab1 contains duplicate records.
ii. Insert distinct records from tab1 in a temporary table #temp
iii. Delete all rows from original table tab1
iv. Insert from temporary table
Try other solutions yourself.

13. How to get nth highest salary from employee table.
The query below demonstrates how to find the 5th highest salary. Replace 5 with any integer to get nth salary.


Many more to come ....

Dotnet Interview Questions

Hello Friends,

I am going to post all the Interview questions I faced at the time of my job change. The technical discussion in an interview has become very difficult in this recession time.

The interviewer asks each and everything starting from dotnet basics to the core dotnet concepts. So, be well prepared if you are planning a job change.

Also, these extensive list of interview questions and answers will help you face any client interviews in your own organisation.

I will cover Interview Questions related to DotNet Framework, C# Dotnet, ASP.Net, SQL Server, Web services, AJAX, WPF, WCF, Winforms, Webforms and other relevant stuff.

Please post your comments. Also, post your questions to get an answer here.


Wonderful Links

This post contains very useful links that we may use on an everyday basis. If you find any other useful link post here as a reply to this post.

Dotnet Links:

This is the official microsoft ASP.NET site. It contains learning tutorials, Videos and examples. Best site to learn ASP.Net.

Good site to learn Microsoft .Net AJAX. Contains lots of videos.

Best dotnet site. Ask questions in forum to get immediate solutions. Take online test similar to MCP or MCTS test. A huge repository of Code Snippets, Articles, Technology News and Projects. Join to learn and earn there.

Very popular site to learn HTML. Also, you can learn XML, Javascript any many more things.

Download computer related e-Books for free. This site contains a very good collection of computer e-Books.

Competitive Exam Guide

One stop shop for all Bank jobs. Take practice online test for FREE

Take Practice Online test of UPSC Exams for Free.

Online Campus Test for Freshers.

Practice Online MBA tests like CAT, MAT etc.

Tech interview questions.

Useful Links:

One stop shop for all Govt job seekers. It is updated very regularly about upcoming Govt jobs.

Now you can download your favourite videos from youtube. Just paste the youtube link in above site and download the video. Very useful site.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Learning/Academic projects in dotnet

I am writing this blog to share my mini Projects created for learning purpose. Also, these projects can guide you to create your Academic project in DOTNET for Computer Science or MCA courses.

I will post my original projects here. The projects will be in C#, dotnet, ASP.Net, ADO.Net, SQL Server, AJAX, JavaScript/VBScript, WebServices, WPF, WCF etc.

Please visit my blog regularly to get all the new projects posted.

2. Tic Tac Toe Game Project

TicTacToe is a very famous game among students. This project is a Windows application developed using C# and .Net. I have followed oops concepts while coding. It is a very good project to learn C# basics and coding standards. The code is very well organised and properly commented.

Key features of this project:
1. It is a windows application developed in C#.Net.
2. It has proper industry standards for naming the controls.
3. The code is properly commented so that it will be more readable and maintainable.
4. The code demonstrates reusability concepts in oops as it contains methods for repetitive tasks.

You can find more details about the project at the following link. Also, you can download the C# Dotnet source code from the same link. Have a look at it and post your comments.

Monday, May 4, 2009

1. WinCalculator

WinCalculator project is a simple calculator program similar to the one available in Windows Operating System. It will be useful for all day-to-day calculations.

This project is a Windows application developed using C# and .Net. I have followed oops concepts while coding. It is a very good project to learn C# basics and coding standards. The code is very well organised and commented.

You can find more details about the project at the following link. Also, you can download the C# Dotnet source code from the same link. Have a look at it and post your comments.

Please watch out this place for more.

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